It is unknown when rattan has become one of the traditional cultural beauties of the Vietnamese people. The appearance of familiar items made from rattan as a part of life is deeply ingrained in the way of thinking and making of Vietnamese people. Experiencing the ups and downs of time, we are always proud to still keep the whole soul of our father's profession. To discover this traditional beauty, go with 99 Gold Craft.

1. History of rattan craft

When going back in history to learn about the origin history of rattan craft, we were suddenly a bit disappointed. Because most of the documentary information that mentions the history of the craft is currently quite scarce, often the information that 99 Gold Craft has is exploited from the oral stories of the villagers. Therefore, we regret that we could not find an expensive source of material that clearly proves the process of formation and development of the craft village.

Quoting a document about the history of rattan craft that we heard from Uncle Tran Van Tram (artisan Tran Van Cuu's father) in charge of the display house of rattan products in Ha village. Uncle said: "It's been a long time, four hundred years ago, Phu Hoa Trang (former name of Phu Vinh) appeared three men specializing in making "forest products" such as baskets, baskets, baskets, lane… serving the needs of the neighbors. Over time, the profession gradually spread, "covering" the whole village, then the whole commune. Until today, the "slight direction" of the village still reaches out to more than twenty different localities, spread across the country.

Since ancient times, Vietnamese people with their creativity and ingenuity have known to combine rattan with bamboo to knit into necessary items to serve their lives. Perhaps that is why the Vietnamese have created this special "love relationship".

Thanks to practical experiences, the ancient Vietnamese knew the specific characteristics of each plant and then combined them together. For example, when talking about bamboo, Vietnamese people often pay attention to its stiff and straight characteristics. Therefore, when building a house, Vietnamese people often choose bamboo to make house pillars. Rattan with flexible, malleable and durable properties will be used to weave baskets, baskets, etc.

2. The intense vitality of the rattan craft village

There is a traditional history from thousands of years, but through many ups and downs of the history of the traditional rattan craft villages still exist and develop to this day. So what is the secret for craft villages to stay alive with time and on the rise. According to research and traveling around the 99 Gold Craft craft villages, there are some reasons as follows:

  • The first reason to mention is the love of the craft of the villagers. Because we can't maintain a hobby for long if we don't have enough love and dedication to it.

  • How to educate young people of craft villagers. Helping young people understand and enjoy learning the traditional craft of their forefathers depends a lot on the family's upbringing. If you want the younger generation to be interested in traditional craft, teach and pass on their love of the profession to them naturally without forcing them.

  • The people of craft villages always have inheritance and the spirit of improvement inside. Thanks to this special "personality", the products of the craft village, although improved to suit the tastes of today's users, still retain the traditional essences of their ancestors.

  • Sensitivity to the market. In order to help the product not be left behind, the villagers always try to understand the needs and changes of the market to improve and change the product to be the most suitable.

  • Through this article, 99 Gold Data hopes that you will love these media crafts more.